Unique Process.
Amazing Results.
Profound Impact.

Focusing on candidate behavioral job fit, our assessment-based solutions help our clients identify, select, and develop the right talent, resulting in improved business outcomes.

Developed and Validated by Experts

All our solutions tools stem from a highly detailed job analysis in which we analyze the performance characteristics of a group of recognized superior performers in a specific position.

We then work with the panel of subject-matter experts to statistically analyze each behavior using our proprietary method. This process allows us to determine which behaviors have the highest performance values and the maximum likelihood of identifying applicants who will be outstanding performers on the job.

Choose from our library of pre-configured assessments or speak with us about new assessment development options.

Reliable Assessments Backed by 30+ Years of Proven Performance

Our assessments are continuously monitored for performance. We routinely analyze the performance of our assessments to ensure their accuracy and against adverse impact.

Our methodology is extremely high in content and criterion-related validity, providing confident protection.

Performance Begins with Selection

Predict candidate job success with data.

The high-performance behaviors we extract through the job analysis are statistically analyzed to identify the behaviors that impact performance most.

This analysis also produces a very accurate Job Success Profile™ that becomes the standard against which all other applicants are measured.

Our Tests Don’t Discriminate

All SelectRight™ tests are unbiased, non-discriminatory, and compliant with affirmative action guidelines and policies.

We offer full indemnification against any EEOC law judgment that our assessments produce an unlawful adverse impact against protected class members.

All tools developed by Scheig meet all federal EEOC, ADA, and OFCCP hiring guidelines.

A Pleasing User Experience

SelectRight™ has an easy, straightforward design that allows candidates the opportunity to showcase their unique ability to perform the job.

Our questions provide candidates with deeper insights into the role and reveal behavioral responses to real-world scenarios they would likely encounter on the job.

Relevant and Uncomplicated

Lastly, we’ve put as much thought and attention into our Applicant Score Reports (ASRs) and delivery mechanism as our tests. Our client account platform, “TalenTTrack,” is a UI/UX-friendly environment for quick and easy management and control of your SelectRight-assessed applicant data and team user information.

In just a few clicks, you can review all the relevant candidate information and quickly know, in rank order, the pass/fail applicant scores relative to one another. Our clear and precise reports allow you to focus on accurate, data-driven hiring decisions that will lead to improved business outcomes.

Elevate Your Hiring Process Now

Begin using Scheig Solutions today, or chat with us about your hiring challenges.