SelectRight™ for Better Hiring
Decisions with a 14-day Free Trial

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Success is Here

Experience the Most Relevant Assessment Solution

Reliable, Data-Driven Results

Based on science, SelectRight™ assessments provide you with a more effective, efficient applicant screening tool relative to key high-performance job behaviors essential to success so you can hire with confidence.

Dedicated Support Team

Scheig assigns experienced, dedicated personnel whose sole responsibility is the support of you and your company.

No Hidden Fees

Select the volume tier that’s right for you. No hidden fees. No cost per user or location, making costs predictable and hiring more efficient.

Clear, Straightforward Results

SelectRight™ assessments measure a candidate’s job behaviors against the known Job Success Profile™ and those results are reported back to you in a clear & concise, easy-to-interpret applicant score report.

Ease of Use

Our platform is designed with your busy schedule in mind. Easily distribute testing links directly to applicants or into job boards. Applicants complete online and you receive results instantly.

Time Tested

For 30+ years Scheig Solutions has been assisting companies around the world with the identification and development of top-performing employees.

Our Client Feedback


Spend Less Time Reviewing Resumes and More Time Getting to Know Great Candidates