Scheig's SelectRight™ Assessments
Three sections that together work powerfully to identify top talent.
The SelectRight™ assessment is designed to be used in a pre-employment setting and to identify candidates from within your applicant pool with the greatest probability of successfully performing the job.

Section 1
Interest & Willingness
A communication tool to the applicant.
We created this section partly because many applicants have yet to learn about the full range of expected behaviors should they be hired. This section allows applicants to rate themselves on all the behaviors and other conditions of employment.
It serves four purposes. First, it acts as a communication tool to the applicant by giving them a comprehensive overview of the behaviors they will need to bring to the job to be successful.
Second, it allows applicants to select any unwilling responses that flag possible problems.
Third, it provides a highly useful and detailed profile of the strengths and weaknesses of the applicant. This profile can be used for more effective training, placement, and further development of existing employees.
Finally, this section serves as an understanding between the employer and employee of what is expected in the job.

Section 2
Self-Rating Checklist
Matching the success profile of known, superior performers.
Section two is the Self-Rating Checklist. This section pairs high-performance behaviors with low-performance behaviors controlled for social desirability. This control for social desirability prevents the applicant from simply choosing the one item that sounds the best.
The assessment accurately identifies applicants who describe themselves in high-performance terms, which makes this section a very powerful part of the assessment. The correct answer to each pair is, in fact, the Job Success Profile of high-performance employees. This section measures each applicant to see how closely they come to matching the success profile of known, superior performers.

Section 3
Critical Incidence Checklist
Applicant’s responses to on-the-job scenarios.
This section is designed to look for applicants who demonstrate the same competencies as the known outstanding performers by their responses.
It asks applicants to choose a response to actual on-the-job scenarios that illustrate high-performance behaviors.

How do I get started using the assessments?
Register your company and create an account. Select the type and quantity of assessment(s) you desire. Your account will become active once your purchase has been completed. To get started, click here.
What payment methods do you accept?
Are Scheig’s assessments easy to use?
Yes, we certainly believe so. Simply distribute the assessment links provided to you through your Client account portal. Once an applicant has completed an assessment (20-30 min.), you will be notified to check your Client account portal where all your applicant score reports are listed for easy review. The applicant score report (ASR) quickly shows the applicant’s bottom-line, straightforward assessment score, so you can make easy & quick decisions about whether or not to proceed with an applicant or continue in your recruiting and selection process.
Can Scheig integrate with our ATS?
How does Scheig protect my data?
What type of support do you offer?
Can I customize an assessment with my company colors & logo?
At which point in my recruiting process should I administer the assessment?
For this question we say adamantly, early, and often! The best way to see the benefits of our assessment is to use it as the first step in your selection process. This helps provide the process and administrative streamlining benefits, EEOC compliance, and qualifications for indemnification we provide. If an applicant isn’t a great behavioral match for the job, why allocate any further expense of time and money? Instead,
For more information visit these links.
Can I add my own questions to the assessment?
yes, and no. We can provide “knock-out” questions that you may want in place. For example, if you require certain licenses or certificates, we can plug those in prior to the assessment preventing the applicant from continuing if those conditions are not met. However, we do not allow additional assessment or test-type questions to be added.
What is the difference between your pre-configured assessments and new test development?
Our pre-configured assessments have been previously developed and are now actively available for immediate use. Our new assessment development, however, entails just that, the development of a new assessment.
Can you develop a new assessment for our company?
Yes, we sure can. Our development process can deliver an assessment to your organization in less than 3 weeks. To further discuss the process and benefits of developing an assessment for your organization, click here.
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Top Talent is Priceless.
Find it More Affordably with SelectRight™
A time-consuming screening process costs you a lot. Re-work, turnover, low productivity, and workplace injuries can cost you much more. Avoid these impediments to success and experience an enormous return on investment year after year.
Performance begins with selection. Start improving your performance today with SelectRight™.