SelectRight Advance™

Discover how to advance the performance outcomes of your workforce to whole new levels. Develop a detailed recognition of high-performance job duties, skills, and behaviors that truly matter.

In every conceivable way, Developing Pre-employment Assessments for your Organization is Simply the Smartest Business Decision you Could Possibly Make

Talent remains your greatest asset.

Until recently, the benefits of a steady economy were enjoyed by many. The economy has contracted and endeavors to recover, and the unemployment rate remains at more than 10%. According to the National Bureau of Economic Research, the country officially entered a recession in February 2020.

This begs a very important question -how long until the economy bounces back? Speculative forecasts say it could be weeks or months until we see steady improvement. Some experts add that we may not experience a full recovery until well into next year.

As it relates to your business, talent remains your greatest asset, which makes right now the most opportune time to improve vital aspects of your selection and hiring process.

Organizations that pivot to create an advantage of this by developing powerful performance selection tools will be well prepared when the anticipated economic improvements begin. As many top-talent job seekers will be searching for their next employment opportunities, and companies are scrambling to hire and hang on to top performers.

How Developing Your Assessment with Us Works

A Job Analysis from Scheig Solutions helps you understand the context of a role, ensuring accurate job descriptions and a more refined candidate pool.
Creating a personalized assessment with Scheig Solutions is fast and straightforward, with minimal work required on your end.
Our development team partners with your hiring teams to survey current conditions, known KPIs, KSAs, and competencies felt necessary for success in the role.

They then define the target activities and schedule the time to build and deliver your assessment.

This process can be completed in weeks using our unique development process and our team’s expertise.

Backed By Science

Our team of I/O psychologists uses proven, proprietary research methodology based on decades of research to identify those qualities that are predictive of successfully performing the job.

Highly Actionable

Insights from a Job Analysis can be used in multiple ways, from building a job description reflective of the actual needs of the role to selecting candidates likely to be successful and bringing positive improvements to administrative workloads.


Unveiling the qualities predictive of success in a role can help hire top talent and provide greater control over workforce planning and development goals—insightful data with a wide range of organizational benefits.

The Core Benefits of Pre-Employment Testing

Pre-employment tests offer diverse benefits, from streamlining the hiring process to comprehensively strengthening an organization by increasing the likelihood that new employees will experience job success.

Pre-employment testing helps to ensure the alignment between the employee selection process and desired business outcomes, such as lower turnover, increased sales, higher customer satisfaction, less re-work, and fewer accidents.

Why Hiring and Training Are Critical During Recessions

Controlled experimentation has consistently shown that outstanding workers are two and three times more productive than their average or barely acceptable counterparts.

It is always important to hire top talent, but it is critical these days. You need the best workforce to maximize business opportunities and maintain your competitive edge. Therefore, it is vital to minimize hiring mistakes.

A Harvard Business Review study reviewed the actions of over 4,500 companies during the previous three recessions. Those that thrived did so because they focused on long-term strategic goals, retained employees in critical positions, and acquired new employees who were either available due to layoffs or companies closing or who were willing to change jobs.

The first step should be to consider where you want your company to be in one year and five years and what KSAs you will need. This will help guide your employee selection and development processes so you can leverage all possible advantages and opportunities and be ready to forge ahead when economic conditions improve.

The Most Significant Benefits Experienced when Implementing our SelectRight Advance™ Solution Include:

Increased productivity
Greater employee retention
Reduction in costs associated with turnover (e.g., hiring and training costs)
More efficient, less time-consuming hiring process
Increased defensibility of the hiring process using objective, validated metrics

Curious about our job analysis service? Connect with our Development Services Team today.